Upper Himalayas | Backpack Kinnaur

Experience the region of Kinnaur’s lush valleys, stark peaks, apple orchards, and a homestay combined with backpacking!
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Tour length
8-15 days, custom-designed
Group size
2-8 people
When to come
Tours are available for the following times of year:
  • April (apple blossoms)
  • May - June (summer)
  • October - November (apple harvest)
Type of trip
Day hiking and overnight backpacking (most gear

Backpack the untouched Himalayan wilderness

After arriving in the capital city, New Delhi, venture north to Kinnaur, a mountain district in the Himalayas. Along the way you’ll stop at Shimla, the former summer capital of the British Empire, and go back a hundred years to the time of the empire’s rule, taking in their architecture and palaces. Next, journey into the Upper Himalayas, where apple orchards and terrace farming speckle the mountainsides. The journey’s end is a homestay where a host family awaits your arrival, complete with local cuisine and a riverside view. Hiking abounds in the nearby mountains, and jagged snow-capped peaks loom overhead. After exploring, cultural learning activities, day hiking, and time with your local family, continue into the little-known (but backpacker’s favorite) “Bhaba Pin Pass”.

Starting in the lush valley, you’ll follow a winding river to where the trail stops in a meadow. Here, the group will make camp. The next day is a hike up to a mountain lake, where depending on the experience and length of trip, the group can either return back to their starting point or continue further over Bhaba Pass for another two-day trek. Essential gear is provided, and a pack animal also assists in carrying group gear (such as stove and tents). A geographically diverse trek, it starts in a green valley, pushes over the pass (peaking at 15,961′ elevation!) and ends in a barren dry desert. It has much to offer a backpacker who is looking for the most diverse trek the Himalayas have to offer.

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